The following satellite has been added to this week's AMSAT-NA TLE Distribution:
SONATE-2 - NORAD Cat ID 59112 Downlinks on 437.025 MHz, 145.825 MHz, 145.840 MHz and 145.880 MHz have been coordinated by the IARU. Thanks to Nico Janssen, PA0DLO, for the identification.
The following satellite has been removed from this week's AMSAT-NA TLE distribution:
BeliefSat-0 NORAD Cat ID 58695 End of mission.
This mission was interesting as BeliefSat-0 is not a free flying satellite. Instead it is a "hosted payload" on a larger platform, in this case the spent upper stage of an Indian launch vehicle. The stage was modified such that it included solar panels and attitude control, so BeliefSat 0 and other payloads were designed to simply bolt on and plug in to a regulated power source.
See https://www.isro.gov.in/POEM-3_Mission_achieves_Payload_objectives.html for details.
While BeliefSat-0 and its host POEM-3 remain in orbit for now, it appears that BeliefSat-0 has been shut down as there have not been any sucessful observations of it in SatNogs for several weeks. POEM-3 will reenter within the next few weeks "leaving zero debris in space" according to the Indian Space Resource Orgainization.
Joe Fitzgerald KM1P AMSAT Orbital Elements Manager