Change of plans ... Last week is thought I would just send a list of KEPs for the all new Dnepr launch satellites in a separate email from the normal KEP distribution. I have decided to put both the DNepr (launched 11-21-2013) and ORS-3 mission (launched 11-19-2013) in the regular KEP distribution. I hope this makes it easier for all concerned. The satellites added this week are as follows:
ORS Object A ORS OBJ A Cat #39380 (This is probably STPSAT3) ORS Object B ORS OBJ B Cat #39381 ORS Object C ORS OBJ C Cat #39382 ORS Object D ORS OBJ D Cat #39383 TechEdSat 3P TECHEDST3 Cat #39415 FUNcube-1 AO-73 Cat #39417 (Note that ZACube-1 is currently using Cat # 39417 KEPs) Dnepr Object E DNEPR E Cat #39420 Dnepr Object J DNEPR J Cat #39424 Dnepr Object L DNEPR L Cat #39426 Triton-1 TRITON-1 Cat #39427 Delfi-n3Xt DELFIN3XT Cat #39428
GOMX-1 GOMX-1 Cat #39430 Go to http://www.amsat.org/ for more information.
The old TechEdSat, Cat #38854, was dropped from the KEP distribution.
The ORS objects launched in the ORS-3 mission have not been associated with a particular catalog number. See the following website for info: http://cubesat.org/index.php/missions/upcoming-launches/135-ors3-launch-aler...
FUNCube-1 has been officially designated AO-73 and is located in the OSCAR satellite section (1st section) of the KEPs.
Dnepr Objects E, J, and L have not been identified. One of these must be $50Sat, CubeBug-2, etc.
Triton-1, Delfi-n3Xt, and GOMX-1 are located in the miscellaneous section of the KEPs.
Please email me your comments or suggested additions. I particularly would like any suggestions as to which object is which satellite. Good hunting!