7 Aug
7 Aug
The new catalog number for ARISSat-1 is 37772. Here are the current KEPs.
Satellite: ARISSAT1 Catalog number: 37772 Epoch time: 11218.86259259 Element set: 7 Inclination: 051.6391 deg RA of node: 265.6719 deg Eccentricity: 0.0013091 Arg of perigee: 053.4833 deg Mean anomaly: 294.0582 deg Mean motion: 15.60578441 rev/day Decay rate: 2.1723e-04 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 39 Checksum: 299
ARISSAT1 1 37772U 98067CK 11218.86259259 .00021723 00000-0 26232-3 0 78 2 37772 051.6391 265.6719 0013091 053.4833 294.0582 15.60578441 392