Oopps. Sorry got my output files mixed up. I just sent out the corresponding 2-Line file, so delete the AMSAT verbose file I sent last night. I don't think I have made that error before. Everyday a new day!
Also I just read a note (after sending out the 2-line file) from Nico Janssen, PA0DLO, indicating that Object J is in fact Pratham. I will make that change next week, but until then, you should use Object J (NORAD Cat ID 41791) TLEs for Pratham. The objects are so close it probably won't make much difference either way for mid pass reception. It will take a few weeks to sort out who is who for the rest.
Also Nico indicates that there is a high certainty that ScatSat is OBJECT H (NORAD Cat ID 41790).
Thanks Nico for your greatly appreciated help.
Ray Hoad WA5QGD