Nayif-1 was successfully launched by the Indian Space Agency ISRO from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh at 03:58 UT on Wednesday, February 15, 2017. One hundred and three (103) other satellites were also launched at the same time. (Thanks to AMSAT-UK for info.) Nayif-1 has a full FUNcube payload.
With this "cloud" of new satellites in relatively close proximity to each other, it will be a while before "who is who" is sorted out. Also no NORAD CAT ID has been assigned at this time also because of the proximity and the large number of objects.
New post-launch set of Nayif-1 TLE's has been issued by the launch authority and it can be downloaded from . (Thanks to Trevor M5AKA)
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