The following satellites have been added to this weeks KEP distribution: CAPE-2 Cat # 39380 TRAILBLAZER Cat # 39382 (This may be DRAGONSAT also) ZACUBE-1 Cat # 39417 (This was AO-73, but but AO-73 is now thought to be Cat # 39445) AO-73 Cat # 39445
The following objects have been dropped: ORS OBJ B Cat # 39381 ORS OBJ D Cat # 39383 DNEPR E Cat # 39420 DNEPR J Cat # 39424 DNEPR L Cat # 39426
The following edited excerpt is from AMSAT News Service Bulletin ANS-342: At 07:14:30 UT on Friday, December 6 a United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket lifted off from Space Launch Complex 3-East (SLC-3E) at Vandenberg Air Force Base on California's Central Coast.
Justin Foley KI6EPH has made available this TLE for the CubeSats: 1 99991U 00000 13340.43204282 0.00000000 00000-0 00000-0 0 0006 2 99991 120.5031 227.3464 0297856 339.9554 93.2232 14.64196995000009
Further information on the CubeSats on the Atlas V GEMSat Launch 2013 can be found at http://tinyurl.com/ANS342-NROL-39-Cubesats
Go to http://ww2.amsat.org/?page_id=443 for more info.