On 5-20-2015 ten new cubesats were launched on a Atlas 5 from Cape Canaveral, Florida. The primary payload was the Air Force's X-37B space plane. Of these ten new cubesats four are of interest to radio amateurs. They are as follows:
USS Langley Cat# 40652 Psat Cat# 40654 BRICSat-P Cat# 40655 LightSail-1 Cat# 40661
KEPs for USS Langley are not available at this time. (You might use the Psat KEPs for now.)
Post launch KEPs (with temporary Cat#) for the following are available:
PSAT 1 99993U 15140.67013889 .00040043 00000-0 10235-2 0 00009 2 99993 055.0004 339.9238 0251027 182.3314 074.3075 15.12517086000014 BRICSAT-P 1 99993U 15140.67013889 .00040043 00000-0 10235-2 0 00009 2 99993 055.0004 339.9238 0251027 182.3314 074.3075 15.12517086000014 LIGHTSAIL-1 1 91919U 15999A 15140.67013889 .00040047 00000-0 10233-2 0 00004 2 91919 054.9991 339.9648 0250932 182.3369 074.3135 15.12540571000018
See Gunter's Space page for details http://space.skyrocket.de/