The following saellites have decayed and have been dropped: MinXSS - NORAD CAT ID 41474 CADRE - NORAD CAT ID 41475
The following TLEs have been added this week: OBJECT MZ - NORAD CAT ID 41910 OBJECT NA - NORAD CAT ID 41911 OBJECT NB - NORAD CAT ID 41912 OBJECT NC - NORAD CAT ID 41913 OBJECT ND - NORAD CAT ID 41914
As noted last week, Russian Cosmonauts deployed five satellites from the ISS on Thursday, July 17, 2017. Presumably, Objects MZ, NA, NB, NC, and ND above are each one of the above TLEs. The satellites deployed are named as follows: Tomsk-TPU-120 (RS04S) Tanyusha-SWSU 1 (RS-6S) Tanyusha-SWSU 2 (RS-7S) TNS-0 No. 2 TS-530-Zerkalo (sphere)
Three of the satellites carry amateur radio payloads. Tanyusha-SWSU 1 & 2 on 437.050 MHz with either 9k6 FSK or FM voice announcements Tomsk-TPU-120 on 437.025 MHz with FM voice announcements. Thanks to AMSAT-UK and Jonathan McDowell@planet4589 for the ISS launch information.