Updates of the AMSAT-NA TLE Distribution for 12-16-2018

In case you missed Nico Janssen's,PA0DLO,comments on AMSAT-BB, here is Nico's assessment of our current situation concerning the identification of the 64 satellites launched by SpaceX SSO-A mission on December 3, 2018:
"With nearly all TLE sets for the SSO-A launch published, and many separations increased to more suitable values, it is time to draw some conclusions.
The following IDs are (almost) certain: Unknown sat: obj 43768, downlink 436.73018 MHz; MOVE-II: obj 43780, downlink 145.94993 MHz; SNUSat 2: obj 43782; ITASat 1: obj 43786, downlink 145.85999 MHz; Unknown sat: obj 43787, downlink 435.5003 MHz; EAGLET 1: obj 43790, downlink 435.20015 MHz; ESEO: obj 43792, downlink 437.004 MHz; CSIM: obj 43793; RANGE-A: obj 43798, downlink 437.146 MHz; Suomi 100: obj 43804; Al-Farabi 2: obj 43805, downlink 436.50017 MHz; MinXSS 2: obj 43807.
The following IDs are not certain, because the separation between the objects is still too small: AO 95 (ex Fox 1Cliff): either obj 43769 or obj 43771; PWSat 2: either obj 43775 or obj 43779 (or maybe obj 43776); JO 97 (ex JY1Sat): either obj 43803 or obj 43801, downlink 145.839085 MHz.
73, Nico PA0DLO"
In an effort quickly to distribute current thinking and changes I have issued a mid-cycle TLE distribution on 12-16-2018. I have indicated all amateur radio satllites by name and their most probable TLE at this point in time. Note: Since AO-95, PWSat 2, and JO-97 have not separated sufficiently from their neighbors to ID, I have left them the same as last week. Finally, I have included ALL Space-Track TLEs for the December 3, 2018 SpaceX SSO-A launch with the exception of known commercial or non-amateur radio satellites. (Hopefully this will allow some objects to removed from the identification process.)
Thank you for your patience in this process!
participants (1)
Ray Hoad