There have been some significant changes to the identification of the satellites launched from the ISS on 1-16-2017. The best guess as to who is who comes from Nico Janssen PA0DLO (with comment from Mike, DK3WM) as shown below.
NORAD OBJECT CAT ID NAME --------------------- 41930 OBJECT 41930 (Not Known at this time) 41931 Tancredo 1 41932 ITF-2 41933 EGG 41934 OBJECT 41934 (Not Known at this time) 41935 AOBA-VELOX3 41936 TuPOD 41937 OBJECT A 41938 OBJECT B 41939 OSNSAT
The OBJECT NAME associated with the NORAD CAT ID's above does not match the NORAD's SATNAME as shown on the SpaceTrack website. This is due to NORAD still using the SATNAME they orginally guessed soon after launch. It is possible to see more changes as the objects separate more.
Per Nico Janssen,PA0DLO 1-26-2017 on AMSAT-BB:
As witnessed by Mike, DK3WM, the TLE sets of some of the Cubesats from this launch have been cross-tagged a couple of days ago. TuPOD is now object 41936, 1998-067KY. Probably Tancredo 1 is now 41931, 1998-067KT, and OSNSAT is 41939, 1998-067KZ. I informed Kelso and he has now updated CelesTrak. Unfortunately Space-Track is still using the IDs that they originally guessed.
TuPOD's batteries are empty so the satellite is not transmitting anymore. Also Tancredo 1 does not seem to transmit anymore, at least not when in eclipse. As far as I know, Waseda-Sat 3 never transmitted any signals.
participants (1)
Ray Hoad