Changes to AMSAT-NA TLE Distribution for December 8, 2022

Things happen fast in the amateur satellite world!
On December 9, 2022, CAMSAT's CAS-5A satellite was launched on a Smart Dragon-3 Y1 launch vehicle from the Chinese sea launch platform in the Yellow Sea. See AMSAT News Service Bulletin ANS-345 (Dated December 11, 2022) for transponder data.
Then! At the request of CAMSAT and the CAS-5A team, AMSAT has designated the satellite as Fengtai-OSCAR 118 (FO-118) on December 15, 2022. See Drew Glasbrenner, KO4MA and OSCAR Number Administrator's bulletin entitled "CAS-5A Designated Fengtai-OSCAR 118 (FO-118)" (dated December 15, 2022) for details.
And then! Originally FO-118 was thought to be NORAD Cat ID 54682, but more recent TLE have revealed that CAS 5A is actually object 54684 (2022-167C). Thanks to Nico Janssen, PA0DLO, for the update on the correct NORAD Cat ID for FO-118 (formally CAS-5A).
Therefore, the following satellite has been added to this week's AMSAT-NA TLE distribution:
FO-118 NORAD Cat ID 54684.
Ray Hoad WA5QGD AMSAT-NA Orbital Elements Manager
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