Updates to the AMSAT-NA Keplerian Distribution for the 8-3-2017

I need to do some clean up of satellite names in the AMSAT-NA TLE distribution this week.
The following satellites have been renamed this week: Object A - NORAD CAT ID 42765 is now named UCLSat Object N - NORAD CAT ID 42777 is now named COMPASS 2 Object AA - NORAD CAT ID 42789 is now named skCUBE
The following satellite has been dropped: Object AH - NORAD CAT ID 42796 DROPPED THIS WEEK (PSLV ROCKET BODY)
Now that the objects of the Indian PSLV launch of 6-23-2017 have been (more or less) identified, I will be dropping some of the "Object" names from the AMSAT-NA TLE list for those satellites that do not carry amateur radio. I plan to drop them in the next week or two. But, in case I missed something, please inform me why I should retain any particular satellite in the AMSAT-NA TLE distribution and I will reconsider.
The objects that I plan to drop are named as follows on the Space-Track website: Object B - NORAD CAT ID 42766 is NIUSat Object C - NORAD CAT ID 42767 is CARTOSAT 2E Object E - NORAD CAT ID 42769 is CE-SAT 1 Object G - NORAD CAT ID 42771 is SHAINAJOHL Object H - NORAD CAT ID 42772 is XUENITERENCE Object J - NORAD CAT ID 42773 is LUCYBRYCE Object K - NORAD CAT ID 42774 is KUNGFOO Object Q - NORAD CAT ID 42779 is LYNSEY-SYMO Object R - NORAD CAT ID 42780 is LISASUARUS Object S - NORAD CAT ID 42781 is SAM-AMELIA Object T - NORAD CAT ID 42782 is MCPEAKE Object U - NORAD CAT ID 42783 is DIAMOND RED Object W - NORAD CAT ID 42785 is DIAMOND GREEN Object X - NORAD CAT ID 42786 is DIAMOND BLUE Object AC - NORAD CAT ID 42791 is VENTA 1 Object AE - NORAD CAT ID 42793 is CICERO 6 Object AG - NORAD CAT ID 42795 is TYVAK 53B
For your information: The BIRDS-1 deployment of 7-7-2017 from the ISS still remains unidentified as yet. Space-Track had named them Objects A, B, C, D and E while they still had previously named satellites from the Indian PSLV launch named Objects A, B, C, D and E on their website. Since these duplicate names would be confusing, I used the last letter from the International Designation (INTLDES) to name these five satellites (U, V, W, X and Y. I am not going to change my names at this time, but note that a change will eventually need to be done.
participants (1)
Ray Hoad