Changes to AMSAT-NA TLE Distribution for January 5, 2022

At the request of CAMSAT and the XW-4 (CAS-10) team, AMSAT has designated the satellite as Hope-OSCAR 119 (HO-119) as of January 1, 2023. For details, see Drew Glasbrenner, KO4MA and OSCAR Number Administrator's announcement entitled "OSCAR number assigned for CAS-10" in AMSAT News Service Bulletin ANS-001 (dated January 1, 2023).
Therefore, the following satellite has been renamed in this week's AMSAT-NA TLE distribution as follows:
HO-119 NORAD Cat ID 54816. (Formally CAS-10).
The following satellite has decayed from orbit and has been removed from this week's AMSAT-NA TLE distribution as follows:
TW-1A NORAD Cat ID 40928. (decayed from orbit on 12/29/22 per Space-Track).
Finally, AMSAT is pleased to announce the new daily two line element bulletin available at Members of the Sci-Tech Radio Society (STARS) have worked with AMSAT Information Technology to automate this process. Seventeen year old STARS member Ryan "RJ" Fitzgerald N1BGA enjoyed exercising skills he learned in his high school computer science class. "It was cool to do something for the real world beyond just homework assignments, plus it forced me to learn stuff not covered in class" said Fitzgerald.
STARS is part of New England Sci-Tech - a non-profit STEM education center and makerspace dedicated to project-based, hands-on learning for youth and families across the New England community with a strong Amateur Radio focus. Visit for details. Thanks to Joe Fitzgerald, KM1P, for this update on this new innovative approach to AMSAT TLE distribution.
Ray Hoad WA5QGD AMSAT-NA Orbital Elements Manager
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