Just to record for posterity, the code loader for the LIHU has been upgraded to work on Python3. (Python2, on which it used to run, has been deprecated and will start disappearing from host systems shortly--it already is gone from the latest Raspberry Pi Raspian).
As you may know this loader can work either with two different configurations on the LIHU: One is designed for the USB flash loader, and one for serial. USB is currently more critical since it will be used by the University of Maine in MESAT1. I have not tested the upgrade on the serial loader (which will be used by Golf) yet.
This loader is on gitHub at burnsfisher/pyMicroloader. It is intended to be generic; it is fairly easy to add new flash loader support--it's just a new class to write.
Burns Fisher, WB1FJ
AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software