On AO-51, Jim White WD0E wrote a scheduler that ran on the satellite. We created schedules that executed mode changes at desired times (at 0000Z 5/19 execute Mode 3) where mode 3 was V/s repeater, or something similar. It worked very well. I could load schedules at my leisure and mode changes would be exact times, not “during the first pass over EL88 on Tuesday night”.
73, Drew
From: LTM [email protected] On Behalf Of Burns Fisher (AMSAT) via LTM Sent: Monday, May 18, 2020 9:38 AM To: Linear Transponder Module [email protected] Subject: [LTM] Scheduled automatic changes on LTM-1 and Golf?
I may have mentioned this before, but saw no answer. But the behavior of HO-107, and someone mentioning the schedule for AO-27 got me thinking about it again.
This question is largely for the ops team:
Suppose that the LTM-1 and Golf-Tee had the capability of commanding a schedule of operations. Let's say you could upload one or more sequences of commands labelled n. What would a schedule look like? Would it be "every n hours execute sequence x" realizing that 'n' is not terribly exact and would drift against UTC. Would it be "do sequence x entering eclipse and sequence y exiting eclipse? Would it be "Execute sequence x when I send an "execute sequence x" command?
I think those are all possible, at least if the sequences are simple. No promises--there is a lot of software to do to make Golf-Tee and LTM-1 work at all, but if I get any feedback on these general ideas, I can write something up to prioritize and potentially keep in our back pocket for implementation as a "may" rather than a "must".
Burns Fisher, WB1FJ
AMSAT(R) Flight Software