FYI, commanding out of safe mode if it is in there because of the low voltage will only work if it is in the middle of the voltage hysteresis curve. In other words it goes into autosafe if the voltage drops below x. It comes back out of the voltage is above y (where y is greater than x). If it is below x and you command it out of safe mode, it will go right back in. If it is between x and y, it will stay out of safe mode until the voltage drops below x again. This is identical to the behavior that the FM Foxes had.
Like Fox, you can disable autosafe. On HuskySat, it is also possible to adjust the trigger voltage, but the default was chosen by UW as the minimum voltage that they wanted the batteries ever reach in order to avoid damage. It's probably worth trying to figure out what is going on first.
Suggestion: Command "Reset MinMax Distrib", "Reset MinMax Gen" and "Reset MinMax Batt" to get some better idea what is going on with the power. Nathan has checked these commands for correctness and insists that they have no side effects, just as clear min/max does not on the Foxes.
Burns Fisher, WB1FJ
AMSAT(R) Flight Software