-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: Pacsat PC104 layout Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2024 10:11:10 -0500 From: Bill Reed [email protected] To: [email protected], Mike Moore [email protected]
Eric, Mike,
Until recently pacsat was an Ascent project. We were an R&D project with no need to precisely define any interface requirements. We made a "best guess" and placed a PC104 connector at one end of our cubesat sized card. Even the card dimensions were an estimate of what a future flight might require.
This was our first attempt, completed late spring of 2024:
Our direction has changed. We are no longer an Ascent project, we are now a part of fox-plus-B, and we are now moving to make pacsat "flight ready".
We are addressing several design issues discovered from this prototype. We hope to correct those issues soon. Since our PC104 design was just a best guess, we will be modifying our layout to be compatible with our first mission as a payload on fox-plus-B.
We need a detailed description of the required PC104 interface. The LTM IHU V1.2 date January 22, 2022 does not provide dimensions for placement of the connector and I think is incomplete in describing all the pins used in this connector and what any interface requirements might be. I know that our current pin placements conflict with the LTM ICD.
How can I resolve this issue? Should I just wait for an ICD for Fox Plus? Who would be my LTM engineering contact if I have interface questions?
I would hope to have layout issues resolved by the end of 2024.
I would be happy to schedule a go-to-meeting session to discuss.
Bill Reed Pacsat team lead 214 437 9555