I spent a time this weekend testing the boards and tweaking/changing the part values mostly in the 2M PreAmp and power divider section.
I created a new folder in Github PacSatDoc for TestData and uploaded the photos and a video to this folder. Not sure how Github feels about this but I will see. We can delete things after people have a chance to take a look.
The boiled down results are the PreAmp frontend has a range of 10 dB gain through the FET + Filter+ Power divider to 5 dB on the lowest. I checked all 8 of the balanced ports and found them to be mostly the same.
I turned down the 140 MHz carrier until I could see it just about the noise on the spectrum analyze and the most sensitive channel was working at -94dB.
Power supply info/photos was also uploaded.
Over the next few days I hope the test the final amplifier.
Uploaded a new set of STL files for the box. I looking at options to get these printed now.
Tomorrow i will push the code I have up to my GitHub site.