This is probably a question just for Burns but I will copy to the list so it is logged for posterity.
We need to update the task names. From the architecture design I have the following: RxTask TxTask Ax25Task UplinkTask PbTask CommandTask ConsoleTask TelemCollectionTask
In the code today we define the names here, I think: typedef enum { CurrentTaskWD=0, CANSupportWD, TelemetryWD, ControlWD, RadioWD, CommandWD, IdleWD, // Note used in RT ExperimentWD, CoordinateWD, /* Add any new tasks to watch in here. Maximum number of tasks is 9. */ /* The nine limit is the number of bits available in the downlink */ LastWD, InterruptThd = LastWD, ConsoleTsk }WdReporters_t;
I have listed 8 tasks. We probably want the Experiment to be the 9th. But what about idle, coordinate, Interrupt, CAN? How do we fit it into 9? Or should we just assume 4 bits and have 16?
73 Chris