Here's the email I sent earlier. You can ignore the questions about MRAM.
I have integrated the Reliance Edge filesystem into the PacSatSw repository in the "filesystem" branch. However, it is still missing the lower level interface to the mram devices.
The main filesystem interface is in reliance-edge/include/redposix.h, I have enabled POSIX support without rename. It's pretty straightforward. You can get a copy of the Reliance Edge development document from https://www.tuxera.com/resources/reliance-edge-developers-guide/, but I don't think you need it. I have a copy, and I don't see that I can't redistribute it, so maybe I'll add it to the repository.
Are we using the mram code in the deviceSupport directory? If so, the read and write operations (readMRAMWord, writeMRAMWord) don't have prototypes in the header. But I can fix that and integrate.
Jonathan, I guess I'll need a launchpad and a board with the mram, since the qemu stuff didn't work out.