I upgraded my pacsat test hardware to software version 0.1d. It didn't run. I discovered that the software was hanging up when it tried to initialize the i2c temp sensor. That is new in 0.1d. In troubleshooting with Chris and Burns we discovered that the calls to the i2c initialization code were misplaced. That was fixed and uploaded to github as version 0.1e.
Version 0.1e runs on my test hardware but gives an i2c error message every time it attempts to read the temp. This could be a hardware fault on my test hardware. I have checked the temp sensor and all pins seem to be correctly connected and connectivity of the SDL and SCA lines with the TMS570 board is OK. I will be connecting the temp sensor to a raspberry pi and running tests on that component.
In order to continue to use the test hardware I have commented out line191 in TelemAndControlTask.c which simply reports an error by calling debug_print(). Entering 'get temp' on the pacsat console still shows the error message.
I'm having too much fun!!