Also in case you missed it this was an interesting post from AMSAT-BB:
No secret, I use following: 1) SatPC32ISS for antenna tracking and doppler correction. 2) The doppler.SQF line I use: GREENCUBE,435309.05,435309.05,USB,USB,NOR,0,0, To note that the frequency above was adjusted with the Soundmodem waterfall to have the audio well centre on 1600Hz, basically it is the USB offset for my rig and may be different for others/different rig. 3) UZ7HO GreenCube Soundmodem and GUI: http://uz7.ho.ua/greentnc.ziphttps://url.emailprotection.link/?bUV-xAXuZxO2TvYoGTz_FagEbSqWfM_2Fz9YgQs8XJjGv3SQNtk8vNIV8M3ckwgP8dAty1JFJ9LOCbSOlQ-FOCg~~, Note matching the rig bandpass filter with the Soundmodem one (900-2100 Hz) helps to have a better S/N particularly if you have local QRM. 4) DK3WN GetKISS+ to forward telemetry (and the digipeater packets also) to Satnogs. 5) Rig is TS-2000 1k2 external TNC setting (menu 50F), TNC microHam DXP, 30 ele (15H/15V) circular Pol yagi, LNA and bandpass filter on the feeder. Same rig used for all LEO’s. 6) I also use the out-of-tree module (GNU radio developed by EA4GPZ for GreenCube https://github.com/daniestevez/gr-satellites/https://url.emailprotection.link/?buEq4eyNl9NRYRhKUfm4VcAH7hYjpTyw9D9Ehl2svCVr2De_U6vVMBogcOmL1nMhh04ID7dMzfR2w_B1h5xZStrzdPlVYR1mQCSEMEmsuetUuE7awVRbatFfvVb9yIatx in parallel to monitor the downlink.
As regards the ACK message it is send only if you use Tx delay, however it is better to use Tx delay 0 for QSO to avoid unnecessary transmission by the bird (saving on-board power), with Tx delay 0 you will receive your own message as acknowledgement.
Hope above may help all.
Jean Marc (3B8DU)
Notice the user structuring his operation to save battery.