I think one of us found a nice small file system. Sorry, I don't remember which one of you did that! Do you think it is testable with 1MB storage?
I also have the code set up so it should be relatively easy to add more MRAMs if we want more space. And one of my next projects will be to measure the power used, and also to see if I can make them sleep when not in use. I'm thinking that we could also use a few dozen bytes for changeable but more-or-less permanent data and then use the rest of the MRAMs for the file system. The fixed location stuff would just be stuff like the radio frequencies, command encryption key, reset count, a few odds and ends of parameters that we might want to be able to command.
Burns Fisher, WB1FJ *AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software*
On Sun, Dec 11, 2022 at 8:50 AM Chris Thompson [email protected] wrote:
Well done Burns!
Have we decided what the best method will be to read and write a file to the MRAM? To simplify things we could assume files do not change size after writing, except the telemetry where we can preallocate the required size. For other files we must always receive the header first, which holds the file size.
73 Chris
On Sat, Dec 10, 2022, 17:50 Burns Fisher (AMSAT) [email protected] wrote:
Below is the console output from the current software. "test mram" writes the address into every 4-byte MRAM cell from 0 to 1MB and then reads it back to check. Believe me, I've had plenty of cases where it does not match and it printed it out. (It was essentially always my error!)
Pacsat>get mram size Size of MRAM0 is 512KB Size of MRAM1 is 512KB Pacsat> Pacsat> Pacsat> Pacsat>test mram 0KB written 64KB written 128KB written 192KB written 256KB written 320KB written 384KB written 448KB written 512KB written 576KB written 640KB written 704KB written 768KB written 832KB written 896KB written 960KB written 0KB read 64KB read 128KB read 192KB read 256KB read 320KB read 384KB read 448KB read 512KB read 576KB read 640KB read 704KB read 768KB read 832KB read 896KB read 960KB read
Burns Fisher, WB1FJ
*AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software*
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