Great presentation guys. Just got through looking at it. Great demo Chris and it worked! Far better than one I saw last night.
Look forward to getting the review next Thursday and hopefully will be at next year's meeting.
On an AX5043 note, I've made the first steps in restructuring the code to support four receivers and adding more capabilities to the AX5043.
As in all things, the learning curve has requested it's penance.
Next up will be the two receiver test on 144 and 70cm. For for the test the PacSat code has been disabled and the APRS decoder from the Raspberry PI version inserted so I can use my Kenwood HT to easily switch between bands.
We could use a third AX5043 on the board for full PacSat testing but there's enough to do with the restructuring. Easy to switch back to PacSat when the restructure is complete.
Jim McCullers