Burns is as usual ahead of the curve. I have the pin layouts printed and in front of me learning the meaning of all the abbreviations and acronyms.
Burns’ familiarity with the TMS570 is a definite asset.
The AX5043 booster board developed for GOLF used the top set of pins (J2,J3,J4,J5). Due to dedicated pins it appears we will need to use both pin sets as Burns did, meaning a larger board is required.
The LaunchPad comes with only the top pin sets populated so we will need to add pin headers for the bottom pin sets on all boards.
I’m attempting to determine if the bottom set can accommodate all our needs to keep the board smaller but that will still require the addition of four headers per LaunchPad.
Jim McCullers
The master branch will now work with 2 mrams as I said before. It also can successfully talk to a serial line at 32k8 (and you really have to have that to do anything useful) as well as an AX5043. I have managed to get the 5043 to see a carrier on 2m (the RSSI goes way up) but not to get it to decode anything or transmit anything. I may try that more, but I'm not the 5043 expert by far!
After talking with Jim McCullers, I converted all the connections to use inner pins (Booster Pack connectors) rather than the outside pins. Here are all the connections that the software is setup to use. You can also use the equivalent pins on the outside of the Launchpad (J10 and J11) but I wanted to make sure it would work with the inner pins.
(J2/3 means header J2, pin 3. Pins are counted from 1 on the USB connector end)
Power out (to MRAM and AX5043 board)
3.3V Output J2/1
Gnd J5/1
Console serial line:
Gnd-J3/2 (Or any other --there are lots)
SPI1 (to both MRAMs):
Note that the common term for the data lines is MISO and MOSI. TI calls them SOMI and SIMO, the MRAMs just call them SO and SI.
MISO: J9/7
MOSI: J9/6
CLK: J67
NCS0: J9/3 (For MRAM 0)
NCS1: J9/8 (For MRAM 1)
SPI3 (for AX5043--probably for all if we have more than 1)
MISO: J5/7
MOSI: J5/6
CLK: J2/7
NCS1 J5/3 (Additional 5043s could use other NCS pins on SPI3.
IRQ goes to GIOB[0] J8/8
(I hope I have all that right, but you can double check from the signal names against the Launchpad data sheet). I attached a picture of my setup on a previous mail, but it is hung up waiting for Bill to release it.
Burns Fisher, WB1FJ
AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software