I've spent a couple days trying to figure out how to determine automatically whether the MRAM needs an address size of 2 or 3. I think I have finally done it, although I am not very happy. This is really only when we have multiple MRAM sizes flying around developers. The size should be coded permanently for flight.
I've also started using the MRAM config data version number. This should be changed if you change anything in the config storage. That will force users to re-init the MRAM. Believe me, before I put this into Fox I spent ages trying to figure out what was wrong when a new software release was placed on an IHU that had been using an older version.
I've also updated the version number for the software. I think it is important to do this. It was 0.0a. I've changed it to 0.1a. The first number refers to the satellite it is being built for (0 is nothing special yet), the second number is a somewhat major change, the letter is a minor change.
All this code is currently in my branch: BFLaunchPadBoard. I'll do more testing and then move it to 'main'.
Burns Fisher, WB1FJ *AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software*