Here are some photos which show the RX1 TX1 pins used on the PCB.
Also the same pins used on the Launchpad board shown on the connect shots below, On the TI drawing it is J2 pins 3 (RX) and 4 (TX). On Jims schematic it is J2 pins 5 (RX) and 7 (TX).
So the three pins needed are together on the PC104, Pin 92 (RX), Pin 88 (TX), and GND (Pin 84).
You can see from the hilite on the PCB the lines go directly from the CPU to the pins.
The maximum voltage on these pins is +4.6V. Be careful with this.
On Feb 1, 2024, at 4:53 PM, Burns Fisher (AMSAT) via pacsat-dev <pacsat-dev@amsat.orgmailto:pacsat-dev@amsat.org> wrote:
FYI, I have another meeting at 7 which may not be done in time. I'll come if I can. But for my report: I have the software loading as a git branch from what Chris is using, and it starts up fine, including starting the OS. At some point it resets, but I'm not worried about that yet. Right now I am trying to get anything out of the serial port with no luck even just jamming a character directly into UART transmit buffer. So I'm starting to think this is a hardware issue. Either on the board, or more likely that I have the rx/tx lines reversed, or plugged into the wrong two pins (out of 104!)
Burns Fisher, WB1FJ AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software
On Thu, Feb 1, 2024 at 5:13 PM Bill via pacsat-dev <pacsat-dev@amsat.orgmailto:pacsat-dev@amsat.org> wrote: Pacsat dev mtg 2/1/2024 Thu, Feb 1, 2024 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (CST)
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