Thanks Burns.


Let me know when it is populated.


Jim McCullers





I've just created a repo on gitHub where I am going to start with the Golf software and essentially create a pacsat port of the RTOS and leave in some of the AX5043 and other device support code.


I know that we decided last night to use the same git repository for both documents and code.  However, just to avoid complexity and screw-ups (on my part) I have temporarily created a temporary private repo called PacSatSW.


There were a lot of twisty passages all alike that I had to negotiate in order to get things set up both on my own CCS IDE, my own git repos and github, this was the easiest way to be able to do multiple tries without losing the documents.  I will fix it eventually, but for now I just wanted you to know why I did what we explicitly decided not to do last night.



Burns Fisher, WB1FJ

AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software