I have some thoughts on the file system requirements. Let me read and absorb this information and questions and then respond.
Jim McCullers WA4CWI
I've started a google doc with questions about requirements and some info. These are things to thing about. You should be able to comment on the file.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zwUKF2Fvk-0GLdPCOtbPxN6IyA6w_4HPR1ILC6wL Cpo/edit?usp=sharing
I'll also paste it in here, maybe that's easier to work with.
Filesystem for Pacsat
Does it need to be hierarchical?
Robust in the event of failures and errors * Does it need data integrity (as an option?) or just metadata integrity? * File system checking? * Journaling? * Any sort of atomicity requirement? * Checksums on data/metadata? * Memory scrubbing?
Performance requirements?
Any security/authentication requirements?
Block oriented? Are there any non-block oriented filesystems?
Perhaps a database would be a better choice?
Some existing filesystems:
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