Probably the last note today unless something happens in the next hour.
The console now seems fine. I've gotten to the point where I can type in commands and thus easily execute tests. I actually commented out starting the other tasks so I could pay attention to one thing at a time. I also commented out initializing the RTC--that was hanging for some reason. I'm getting a lot of errors, as the system starts up largely because (I think) the MRAM values are not what it expects. So I thought I would start on the MRAM.
There is a simple command call "get mram sr" which reads the status registers of all 4 MRAMs and prints it out. That seemed like an easy place to start. However, all of them are returning 0xFF. Remember that an SPI master does not really have any way to tell if the slave is responding. The data lines are high by default, so 0xFF is typically what you get when the slave does not respond. I've done a lot of checking and found some stuff in HalCoGen that I did not have right, but still no good response even after I fixed those places (I'm comparing them with the HalCoGen on both the LaunchPad version and the RTIHU version). Just like with the serial line, I am getting appropriate interrupts. However, this time there are no wires that I might have gotten backwards. I'm going to have to check continuity on the traces from the MRAMs to the processor, at least as closely as I can. It turns out (intentionally??) that MRAM #4, which is U79 is not installed on my board. But that is helpful because that means that I can access all the SPI bus lines and at least the MRAM4 chip select line (but not the others). So I'll look at that later. Also voltages etc.
SOMETHING is getting read from the AX5043s (or at least 2 of them) that is not 0xff, so they may be working.
I have not poked around with I2c yet but it should be easy to set up a way to read the MAX31725s.
Burns Fisher, WB1FJ *AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software*
On Fri, Feb 2, 2024 at 11:53 AM Chris Thompson via pacsat-dev < [email protected]> wrote:
Wow, very good. Well done. And well done Bob on the hardware. Great to see it working.
73 Chris
On Fri, Feb 2, 2024, 10:33 Burns Fisher (AMSAT) via pacsat-dev < [email protected]> wrote:
Ok, last one for the moment. The console is now working fine with interrupts at 38400 baud. 73,
Burns Fisher, WB1FJ *AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software*
On Fri, Feb 2, 2024 at 10:25 AM Burns Fisher (AMSAT) [email protected] wrote:
To avoid suspense: The schematic perfectly matches what HALCOGEN claims are the correct Rx and Tx pins. If I remove the connection to pin 92 (Rx) it keeps going. So the blinky board is certainly correct.
Of course Rx and Tx are relative to which end of the wire you are looking at. That is Tx on the board connects to Rx on the terminal. That seems like the most likely explanation. The usb/serial adapter is labelled from the POV of the terminal.
Anyway...speed test next.
Burns Fisher, WB1FJ *AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software*
On Fri, Feb 2, 2024 at 10:14 AM Burns Fisher (AMSAT) [email protected] wrote:
I put in this code temporarily:
GPIOEzInit(LED1); GPIOEzInit(LED2); GPIOEzInit(LED3); GPIOSetOn(LED1); GPIOSetOff(LED2); sciSetBaudrate(scilinREG, 110); sciSetBaudrate(sciREG, 110); while(1){ GPIOToggle(LED1); sciSend(sciREG,38,"Starting a test on the SCI register\r\n"); GPIOToggle(LED2); sciSend(scilinREG,38,"Starting a test on the LIN register\r\n"); }
The GPIO routines are my normal driver routines. The sciSet and sciSend are the HALCoGen routines not using any interrupts or anything else. Note that I set the baudrate to 110 (R-e-a-l slow!) and sent 38 characters. That it, it should take about 3.8 seconds to print. And indeed the light pattern changes at a rate of approximately every 4 seconds.
I have a terminal connected to PC104 pins 88 and 92 and set for 110 baud connected and at first saw nothing. Then I reversed the rx and tx pins and.....
Starting a test on the SCI register Starting a test on the SCI register Starting a test on the SCI register Starting a test on the SCI register Starting a test on the SCI register Starting a test on the SCI register Starting a test on the SCI register Starting a test on the SCI register Starting a test on the SCI register
SO! Either I have the colors wrong on my serial-to-USB connector, or they are backwards on the blinky board. Will figure out which next, and then try higher speeds.
Burns Fisher, WB1FJ *AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software*
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