Bob, why don't you not both doing the HalCoGen changes and let me get the software. I'm so familiar with how I did HalCoGen and everything else that I can probably do it faster.
Burns Fisher, WB1FJ *AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software*
On Tue, Jan 23, 2024 at 9:34 AM Bob Stricklin via pacsat-dev < [email protected]> wrote:
Working hard on the boards. Spent the weekend swamping out and adding parts to the 3 untouched boards. A few more parts need to be added.
Have the power supply sections working. The chip for the 1.2 volt supply is the most difficult to work with.
Goal is to ship these out to people soon. I wanted to get one out to Burns yesterday but taking longer to get them ready.
Today is tied up with travel and doctors visits.
I realize looking through the code that the bits on the IO lines are being changed individually. This means that getting HCG correct was just a piece of what we needed. Getting all the bits correct will take some time.
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