Odd, I'm not sure how I got the wrong pins for the startup. But glad it was easy to fix.
I think the error in start rx error 6. I think error 6 means the PLL did not lock. And that is expected on 2 meters unless that inductor gets put in.
Burns Fisher, WB1FJ *AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software*
On Sun, Feb 11, 2024 at 9:38 PM Bob Stricklin via pacsat-dev < [email protected]> wrote:
The code is working to turn PA and AX on and off. The only thing that is different is PA is on 98 and AX is on 99. I just switched the wires and everything is working as needed. The set pa on and off and set ax on and off also working.
I have also seen the message TX QUEUE FULL could not add UI frame to Packet Queue at startup. This message then keeps popping up.
Also on startup i see ERROR: In start RX, axradio_init return 6. Key magic mismatch
One possible issue is the AX5043 will have a 200 us delay to power up then some time for its on power up. May need a small delay after turning on AX power.
We can work with this version of the code for now.
On Feb 11, 2024, at 4:50 PM, Chris Thompson via pacsat-dev < [email protected]> wrote:
All sounds good Burns. I'm looking forward to testing this. As I told the others last Thursday, it will be after my ARISS conference, which is the week of Feb 19th. Bob will send the board to me in Florida and I will hand carry it back (hopefully convincing customs that duties should be waived, or paying the bill in person!).
No problem on delaying the merge. We can work off a branch for now and I can merge it later. It's good practice I think for main to be a version that is tested and works.
73 Chris
On Sun, Feb 11, 2024, 17:21 Burns Fisher (AMSAT) via pacsat-dev < [email protected]> wrote:
Version X0.2a pushed upstrem. This is all still in the branch WB1FJ_Port_to_Blinky
First you will note that it will frequently tell you that you have the wrong MRAM version. Some of these warnings were commented out. I may have done it in debugging, but it is important. Lots of things may not work right if this message appears. It gives several alternatives of commands that you can issue, but in this particular case,
After that the messages will stop. The reason for all this is that I added 3 more receive frequency locations in MRAM, and those are only set up with init new proc.
This new version, as I implied above, saves 4 different receive frequencies. "init new proc' initializes them all the same, but you can adjust them with "raise rx freq n m" where n is the receiver number (1-4) and n is the number (in Hz) to raise the frequency by. There is also 'lower rx freq'. The versions for tx freq do not have a chip number. The maximum you can change the frequency for any of these (I think) is 32767Hz (it is 15 bits).
BTW, I think this is actually transmitting something. If I have the tx frequency set out of range, I get a TX queue filling up. ??????
Anyway, let me know if you have questions or if you need other stuff. I'm done for now. And btw, we are again expecting snow Tuesday, so my band rehearsal may be moved to Thursday again :-(
Burns Fisher, WB1FJ *AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software*
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