Works for me Bill.


Jim McCullers



Here are my thoughts about the pacsat-dev mailing list:

This is a private list for members of the pacsat-dev team.  I have worked on past Amsat projects where email and meeting

resources were consumed by interested, sometimes helpful, but significantly time wasting discussions of various opinions.

( Remember, opinions are like assholes, everybody has one. )

These discussions were interesting but not helpful in completing our project.  I encourage those discussions on the list.

The mailing list is open to everyone.

I encourage dev team members in participating on the pacsat list.

Please do not send a single email to both lists.  A reply by someone could create problems for the pacsat-dev list.

Thoughts about the dev-team:

Current members are

"Bill Reed" <>

[ ]

[ ] "Burns Fisher" <>

[ ]

[ ]

[ ] "Mark Hammond" <>

[ ] "Jim" <>

[ ] "Corey Minyard" <>

[ ] "Rich Gopstein (KD2CQ)" <>

[ ]

Members of the pacsat dev team should attend most dev team meetings and be working on some aspect of the pacsat project.

The exceptions to this rule are Glasbrenner and Hammond from Amsat operations.  We need "operations feedback".  They represent our "customer"

 We need their feedback whenever possible.

Anyone can join the dev team, they just need to be doing something to help.

Does this structure make sense to everyone?  Comments?
