Hi All,
I've just merged in a branch (after testing by Chris) which has a HALCoGen configuration that is specifically for the LaunchPad. In addition, I've moved the console to be on a real UART rather than the N2HET emulated one (which has some problems with missing characters). The console serial connections are now:
Ground: pin 32 Rx: Pin 33 Tx Pin 34
Chris and I are both able to talk to the 5043 chip on the Pi board, but at some point during initialization, the crystal stops oscillating. As soon as I get a couple MRAMs to use (maybe today or tomrorow?) I'll try to get them set up both to sleep when not in use and to make the fact that there are multiple MRAMs transparent--just specify an address and it will choose the right one.
Burns Fisher, WB1FJ *AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software*