I did test a board today and found it was transmitting every 30 seconds with a power level of about -28 dBm.
I spent some time looking at the code and found where the power level is set to ox0d in a config file and get AX reports this value.
I see in the data sheet for AX5043 where power should range from -10 dB to 16 dB and uses a 12 bit value to set the level. Possibly we are just adjusting upper 8 bits.
We will also be losing power in the differential to single ended converter and shaping circuit. I will probe on this a little more tomorrow but likely just leave it alone and move on for now to be sure and ship boards Monday.
I also see the 30 second interval in the code and some other comments about setting power but does not seem like this is being used.
I could not get a continuous tone and I did not spend time setting up a tight loop to transmit.
I did change the call sign in the configuration to mine.