Hi Pacsat folks,

Here is the link for the meeting at 9PM eastern (DAYLIGHT) tonight:

If you are asked for a password, try just hitting return.  If that does not work, try 000000 (6 zeros).


Burns Fisher, WB1FJ
AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software

On Wed, Mar 12, 2025 at 3:29 PM Burns Fisher (AMSAT) <wb1fj@fisher.cc> wrote:
Hi All,

Jerry (Vice President Engineering, AMSAT) plans to have a discussion about pacsat and Foxl-Plus-B at the beginning of our normal Fox Plus/Golf meeting tonight and asks that anyone interested in PacSat attend.  This is at 9PM Eastern, and the Pacsat discussion will be first.

I'll send out the link later.



Burns Fisher, WB1FJ
AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software