On Thu, Jan 4, 2024 at 8:00 PM Corey Minyard via pacsat-dev pacsat-dev@amsat.org wrote:
Schematics are here:
Oddly enough, I don't see a pull up or down on the TRSTN pin. The rest of the pins have unpopulated pullups, I assume you would need them if you removed the zero-ohm resistors on the XDS100.
I read a little more, and I figured out what is happening with the TRSTN pin on the Launchpad. The XDS100 checks pin J12-8 from the external JTAG connector, the JTAG_SEL pin. If it detects that an external JTAG device is present, it will tristate all the JTAG lines. If it doesn't detect the external JTAG, it will drive the TRSTN line itself.
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