What I am about to describe is all checked in on the WB1FJ_Port_To_Blinky branch on the main pacsat software repository. That branch is off "main" which Chris suggested would make it easy to merge in his other changes.
1) Loading code from TI Code Composer Studio. Works just fine.
2) LEDs: The s/w is setup so that these work with the normal GPIOSetOn(LED1) and they seem to work fine.
3) FreeRTOS: It is working as nearly fine as I can see at this point. But writing this reminded me to check the clock (seconds uptime) and it was running fast, which means everything else like all the timeouts would also have been fast. That is fixed (HalCoGen setting)
I have most of task commented out. This is partly because some of them complain every time they try to access the MRAM (see below) and partly because something eventually crashes. I suspect this is because the MRAM problem has generated too many errors, but I'm not sure. One thing at a time.
4) The console task and actual serial lines. Working just fine.
5) I2c: It seems to be ok. The two temp sensors are returning good stuff and the RTC appears to work, although I am not sure how to set it. I'll check that sometime.
6) SPI bus for DCT, i.e. the AX5043s. I have updated the s/w to run 5 of these. At this point I can't tell if they are working or not. I see my job as just ensuring that I can read and write registers and accept interrupts, so I am not doing ANYTHING like trying to receive or transmit RF. However, reading the registers returns something other than 0xFF so I am hopeful :-)
7) SPI Bus for MRAM: Bad news. No access at all. I have tried a very simple test: Reading and writing the MRAM status register. This does not require addresses or anything other than a simple command that should work in any state of the MRAM. The status register always reads as 0xFF.
I can't access the pins on the MRAMs that are installed, but one is not installed. The SOMI line (Slave Out Master In) seems to have no continuity to the processor. Since this is a bus, it is common to all the MRAMs and thus if it really is open, that would explain the problem. I will keep checking other stuff (software!) too.
That's it for the moment. There are other GPIOs that do stuff like turn on the transmitter PA that I have not done anything with. It is very easy to change the pins around for GPIOs or to add a newly named GPIO, and I will eventually spend the 5 or 10 minutes that that requires, but it is not too useful right now.
Burns Fisher, WB1FJ *AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software*