Attached is a power analysis done by OnSemi that I discovered after doing one of my own when I discovered the power output was not linear as the programming manual implies and several project samples utilize. As is was copyrighted material I did not believe it was appropriate to put on github.
My analysis was in line with the document. They also did an output to voltage analysis which leads me to believe your 3.3 volt power supply is not a factor in the low output.
0x0fff is the eleven setting. Crank it up!
I did test a board today and found it was transmitting every 30 seconds with a power level of about -28 dBm.
I spent some time looking at the code and found where the power level is set to ox0d in a config file and get AX reports this value.
I see in the data sheet for AX5043 where power should range from -10 dB to 16 dB and uses a 12 bit value to set the level. Possibly we are just adjusting upper 8 bits.
We will also be losing power in the differential to single ended converter and shaping circuit. I will probe on this a little more tomorrow but likely just leave it alone and move on for now to be sure and ship boards Monday.
I also see the 30 second interval in the code and some other comments about setting power but does not seem like this is being used.
I could not get a continuous tone and I did not spend time setting up a tight loop to transmit.
I did change the call sign in the configuration to mine.
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