I received my board last night and got it unpacked and started the visual review process, as in, that’s where that is.
I’ll get it over to the software station tonight and start the learning process.
My assumption is Burns V2 github version is the correct one to use.
Looking at the schematic, there may be a possible problem in the receiver front end but I need to review the AX5043 documentation and schematic before testing.
Initially there is an issue hearing a signal. RX Device 0 and 1 have no RSSI even if a strong signal is transmitted on their receive frequency RX Devices 2 and 3 both show an RSSI change with a transmitted signal.
I'll try to see if one of them can trigger the interrupt line. Initial testing suggests they do not.
On Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 9:05 PM Bob Stricklin via pacsat-dev <[email protected] mailto:[email protected] > wrote:
I just checked a board and I see the RX3 sitting at GND state. Assuming the TMS570 is programmed to be an input the AX5043 must be pulling this line down to a low state.
The IRQ line is pin 19 and they all have a via close by that you could scratch the solder mask off of and measure the voltage. If they are programed correctly and receive data this line should go high and stay there until the buffer is cleared.
On Feb 26, 2024, at 7:15 PM, Burns Fisher (AMSAT) via pacsat-dev <[email protected] mailto:[email protected] > wrote:
Also remember that none of the interrupt lines has been tested. As I recall Tx does not need it, but Rx does. This could be software. Is it possible to jump the IRQ line manually somehow to see if you get an interrupt out of it?
Burns Fisher, WB1FJ
AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software
On Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 8:05 PM Bob Stricklin via pacsat-dev <[email protected] mailto:[email protected] > wrote:
Both Chris and Jim have their boards to work with. Chris has started to work with his and rotors TX is sending packets but not receiving any packets yet. Still working to understand issue.
It could be hardware or software.
To help sort out issues with the AX5043 I have made up a table (attached) to correlate the Select, IRQ lines with the physical chip on the board. All four AX5043s should have an RX signal so in theory any one of them could be used to receive signals. However there could be a hardware issue with any of them. The RX3 AX5043 at the top of board is configured to work single ended. The three other devices are working differentially. The code may need different register settings for each of these to work properly but in terms of the AX5043 I think they all should be looking for a differential signal. I expect the signal strength of RX3 will be lower.
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