I want to change the default frequencies for test and I am not finding the code to make this work. I see frequencies in config.h which I have changed.
I see this description in your 3/1/24 email:
Note on the "default frequency" Currently the Rx default freqs are all the same. Fix in "IHUInitSaved", module nonvolManagement.c. I'd change from a do to 4 WriteMRAMReceiveFreq calls each with a different DCT_DEFAULT_RX_FREQ (defined in config.h. Look for comment "AX5043 radio constants". In the module "nonvolManagement.c" there are routines called ReadMRAMReceiveFreq (which takes an integer indicating the receiver number as an argument). This routine/macro reads the value and its check value out of MRAM. If the check value is wrong, it returns DCT_DEFAULT_RX_FREQ. Note that it does NOT write the default Rx frequency back. It would be best to arrange to return the default frequency for the specified receiver on error rather than the generic frequency.
I found a header for function ax...setfreq in a .h file but not seeing the function definition or use of this so maybe this was taken out.
I want to set the frequencies to 145.840, 145.850, 145.860, 145.870 so the register values will match.
The PLL calibration routines in the code are calculating different values for the PLL based on the default frequencies. If I set the frequency with less change and keep it between the 840 and 870 values the register values should all remain the same.
Can you tell me how to go about making the frequency changes?
Other comments:
There is some code that works through these register values at startup and possible while operating. It seems to me the values calculated should always be the same for a given frequency and the calibration code is not needed. Since it is a satellite and on assigned frequencies fixing these values for registers would be less risk for any AX5043 application.
participants (1)
Bob Stricklin