Feel free to add comments to it as you test it or if you think it should be
solved in a different way. I think we need to ignore the RTC if it comes
back with an error code. We should then wait for a time command from the
ground. But we should actually block uploads while we are waiting. Let me
know what you think.
On Sun, May 5, 2024 at 9:39 AM Chris Thompson via pacsat-dev <
pacsat-dev@amsat.org> wrote:
Hi Bob,
Well done uploading a file!
For some reason on your board the software is not able to talk to the RTC
correctly. In the startup routine I see:
Error clearing reset of RTC
That means the RTC init routine did not work and it did not set the Unix
time on the system.
I see that you can type get rtc and it does return the correct time. So
we may need to revisit the code and see what actually happens when that rtc
init routine fails. We have not really discussed what to do if the RTC
fails other than to fall back on Uptime.
I can't see from the ground station log what the commands were that you
sent. Did you send set time? I think that would have set the unix time to
the rtc time, but perhaps it uses the same init routine and also fails.
Anyway, you are correct in assuming that having the time wrong will make
it almost impossible to get the directory. The file was indeed uploaded,
but it will have the 1970 date and you won't be requesting files in that
On Sat, May 4, 2024 at 10:25 PM Bob Stricklin via pacsat-dev <
pacsat-dev@amsat.org> wrote:
I am testing my setup here using the PacSat board that Burns worked with
and returned. I have made all the necessary changes and now trying to be
sure things are working and I know what to expect before trying make
changes to the AX5043 on device 0 and 1.
I am attaching two text log files with my output while testing tonight. I
am working with Dev 2 only at this point.
Would you look over these files and make comments about what you see
there when you have some time?
One question in particular is how to set the time on the Groundstation
software. Should it be getting the time from my Windows 10 system and not
working. I read over the docs and looked at setup options on the screen but
I am not seeing how to do this. The time issue may be causing me an issue?
I left the board powered off for over two days and the RTC on the
satellite side still has correct UTC time. I plan to do this more extending
the off time trying to see how long it will maintain time with current
capacitors charged.
It looks like I successfully uploaded a file to satellite board but not
able to get a DIR back? I would like to get DIR to read back repeatable on
demand as a method to check each AX5043.
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Chris E. Thompson