Re: URGENT Possible Pacsat launch

I believe it would be best for you to do the meeting, get a firm idea of where they are, then make a decision. I would also suggest the invitation to join our meeting be a week later so we can here your thoughts from the conversation and make a go/no-go/maybe decision before getting in deeper.
Jonathan explained to me way back when the project was a "proof of concept" but with a possibility of flight. I'm still too green to know the whys of what's going on.
Jim McCullers WA4CWI
Well, we learned from the budget situation that our ASCENT direction was to build a"proof of concept" solution. I am not sure at this point why we are restricted and if this is an AMSAT officer (Jerry or Robert) or a BOD restriction.
With that in mind, I was contacted over the weekend by a university that wants to launch pacsat. The University of North Dakota is launching a 3U cubesat, probably in mid to late 2025. They have a commitment for an ELANA launch but no firm dates yet. They have .5U available out of 3U.
So we need to make a decision here:
1. Do we want to support this launch? (Don't know yet how much support they will need. Probably lots.)
2. Do we have the time to provide support?
3. If you think it is good timing, I will invite the UND project lead ( Dr. Ron Fevig ) to our Thursday meeting.
If we decide to move forward with this we will need to get Jerry's permission to move beyond a pure ASCENT project.
Please let me know your feelings ASAP. I have a meeting with Dr. Fevig this afternoon and will try to better understand their requirements.
Please let me know your feelings ASAP. ( 2nd request) I want to kill this if we don't think we can do it.
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Jim McCullers