Re: Issue with touch in project

Yes, I am tracking Problems and also watching Console as things compile and post. Errors show up in Console that do not make it to Problems I noticed. I am now getting a clean build.
You can turn all windows on in View Tab and with the icons on the left of screen.
CCS arbitrarily turns them off I notice. Probably a way to override this with a personal IDE setup. I think under Window.
I am not trying to say I have masted this. Still learning. Like I use the project view all the time and finally found the paste/folder icon on the left brings it up. I was using Window - ShowView.
I have learned we are good on I2C and the Serial Port. Just have to check addresses used in CCS devices . H files.
Working on SPI for AX5043s now and making sure there are no outputs in HalCoGen config on pins that will be driving outputs from other devices.
I see what needs to be done just need to work through it.
Hope to try testing this tomorrow.
Any feedback is appreciated.
I posted an order to mouser today for a few parts needed. Will have them Monday Maybe. Weather here may stop delivery. Ice possible.
On Jan 12, 2024, at 3:09 PM, Burns Fisher (AMSAT) via pacsat-dev [email protected] wrote:
Of course it is always difficult to find featuers in Eclipse-based IDEs, but on my CCS, there is a tab labelled "Problems" when I compile. That clearly shows all the compile errors. I think you can get it turned on by the menu (3 vertical dots) on that window below the source editor.
Burns Fisher, WB1FJ AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software
On Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 3:52 PM Bob Stricklin via pacsat-dev <[email protected]mailto:[email protected]> wrote: Thank you for the posting Burns.
I moved my CCS file from Windows back to Linux. Then I removed the touch in preconfigure and built the project. BTW it had my directory path there so our friends at TI may have played this touch command there.
i see some error msg go by but can not find them after build is complete and I get a out file.
Moved the project back to Windows and built there now I do not see an issue and I get a out file.
I will continue to use HCG to try and make changes now to setup the serial port for this PCB build.
I need to be able to go in and out of HCG and rebuild the project to get all the hardware changes made. I will be carefully saving copy of the project to make sure I do not have issues.
One of the things I have done is to remove all references to CAN from the project. I have renamed it PacSat_DevSW.
On Jan 12, 2024, at 8:18 AM, Burns Fisher (AMSAT) <[email protected]mailto:[email protected]> wrote:
That location on disk is on my Linux build system. Most things one writes in the IDE you can talk about relative to the base directory of the code (see for example the way header file locations are specified) but either I added this before I knew about talking about the base, or it is not possible (since this looks like it might be a shell script).
The only reason for this was so that when you boot the software and/or do "show status" I think, it would tell you when it was built. The idea is that this would tell you if the code might be different even if you did not update the version number. As I recall, there is a built-in in gcc that, at compile time, creates as text the current time and gcc version. I just use those as constants to print.
I don't know why you get errors when you remove it. What kind of errors? But certainly you could replace my location with your own. Or perhaps (even better) there is a symbol you can use for the base location of the project in any build environment. (Actually, touch is a Linux command, so this would probably not work on Windows???)
Burns Fisher, WB1FJ AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software
On Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 11:05 PM Bob Stricklin via pacsat-dev <[email protected]mailto:[email protected]> wrote: Burns,
It seems to me this line of code is referring to a folder that would be on the users system under his home directory called gitRepos. I have looking in Windows under user and my name (home folder) and on my linux computer which I built this code and not seeing this on either one. I do see errors referring to the touch. When I remove it I have lots of errors.
It looks like something that was put in place a long time ago when the project was just rt-ihu.
With the line in place the project will build but I don’t like seeing the errors.
I have used touch to force creation of a file but did not know you could sweep through a project and update times to current time. I see it is used for this according to "man touch".
I wonder if an older version of CCS was not handling time the way people wanted and this was a work around?
Maybe I could fix this by changing the touch path to match my current system project path info.
Am I really that worried about changing a time stamp?
Strange how this causes issue when removed. Maybe the Makefile is not keeping up with project properties changes real time. Changing all the dates would force a make -B I haven’t figured out if Build Project generates a new Makefile on every build cycle.
On Jan 11, 2024, at 9:42 PM, Burns Fisher (AMSAT) via pacsat-dev <[email protected]mailto:[email protected]> wrote:
I think console routines fetches the time that the compile happened, so rebuilding it forces it to include the time of the compile regardless of whether anything else has changed in that routine.
Touch should just change the date on the file so make will always compile it.
Burns Fisher, WB1FJ AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software
On Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 10:38 PM Bob Stricklin via pacsat-dev <[email protected]mailto:[email protected]> wrote: <PacSatSW_Issue.jpeg>
Here is the location of the “touch” issue?
What is this for?
Why does it break things if you remove it?
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Bob Stricklin