Thanks for adding me to the list Burns and for forwarding this message.

There are two code repositories on my github to do with Pacsat.  

One is called Falcon and is the open source Pacsat Ground station that I wrote for FalconSat-3 and later modified to support Mir-Sat-1.  It is in Java and is here:  This needs a software or hardware KISS TNC. 

The second is called Pacsat and is a prototype/experiment that I am working on for ARISS.  It is an Open source Pacsat (server) implementation to run on Linux (likely a Raspberry PI) using DireWolf as the TNC.  DireWolf acts as an AGW engine and handles connected mode as well as UI frames.  It is in C and is here:, but most of the code is open on my shack computer and not checked in.  This might be used for an ARISS project to host  student experiments.  I am also hoping to use this as a test server to run some upload/download tests with Pacsat Ground to see how well Forward Error Correction (FEC) works with the protocols under simulated satellite conditions.  There are a lot of short messages and this is mainly a broadcast protocol, so it may or may not work better.  DireWolf implements FX25, so that is where I will start.


On Sun, Oct 9, 2022 at 5:19 PM Burns Fisher (AMSAT) <> wrote:
Brilliant.  After saying it should be on the pacsat list, I did not put it there.  I have now.

Burns Fisher, WB1FJ
AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software

On Sun, Oct 9, 2022 at 5:12 PM Bob Stricklin <> wrote:
The original PACSAT software was written by Chris Jackson ZL2TPO/G7UPN.

The open source package was written by Chris Thompson, AC2CZ. I just downloaded his package on GitHub and noticed he made changes in it 8 days ago.

I think people have been working with AC2CZ software on Pacsat.


On Oct 9, 2022, at 2:44 PM, Burns Fisher (AMSAT) <> wrote:

This all needs to be on the PACSAT list, especially so Chris will see it and so we are openly sharing the info.  Unless there is different FalconSat-3 ground software, Chris wrote it as a variant of FoxTelem, and it is totally open source.  I don't know of any FalconSat-3 software that we sell, unless that was sometime ago.

Burns Fisher, WB1FJ
AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software


Burns Fisher, WB1FJ
AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software

On Sun, Oct 9, 2022 at 3:35 PM Bob Stricklin <> wrote:

Includes some minor changes in wording a spelling change and comments on PACSAT protocol.

I have found some of the info on FalconSat on the web but maybe this needs more understanding.

Probably will make enough changes in the software of PACSAT that the ground station software needs to be different.
I think early on AMSAT was controlling the ground station software for some revenue. Will need to decide if it is open source or still controlled.


> On Oct 9, 2022, at 11:38 AM, Bill <> wrote:
> My project objectives are simple:
> Phase I - build something  simple, using existing and proven bbs protocols.  Have it available ASAP for the next launch opportunity.
> Phase II - build it better.......
> Here is my conops so far.  Thanks for helping me author it. Either edit this doc and redistribute, or send changes and additions to me and I will incorporate them...
> Lets try and meet using GoToMeeting next Thursday.
> Thanks for helping me.  My skin cancer surgery was simple and provided a complete cure,  but the follow-on plastic surgery to repair things is extensive.
> ( 2.5 hrs in surgery.  2nd surgery in a few weeks....)
> Bill
> <PacsatConOps2.odt>

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Chris E. Thompson