Interesting Rich....................
Re part availability, I see the EOL Product Discontinuance doc. (attached) from ONSEMI. But there is no substitute part identified in that information. The "*potential*" substitutes listed on the Digikey page appear to NOT be very (feature) similar to this part, but much more complex, costly and BlueTooth, IoT, etc. intended. However, the Newark site offers a substitute search for "RF Transceivers - Sub 2.4 GHz ISM Band" that results in several possibilities, particularly the Silicon Labs Si4464/63/61/60 family.
Alternatively, both Newark and Arrow electronics are listing their AX5043 part stock as >1000 pieces at approx. $2.80 each Qty 10, making a lifetime buy viable.
eric (K1TVV)
On Wed, Oct 5, 2022 at 9:17 PM Rich Gopstein wrote:
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Date: Tue, Dec 17, 2019 at 11:51 AM Subject: Re: BPSK on ax5043 Service Request #242527 To:
Response From ON Semiconductor Service Request #242527 ON Semiconductor Technical Support Center
Voice Mail: 800-282-9855 (US & Canada) Web Site:
Please do not reply to this email. Please submit any additional questions via our web site or by calling the ON Semiconductor Technical Support Center. Thank you.
Hello Rich Gopstein,
Thank you for contacting ON Semiconductor.
There is option for PSK mode only, configuration can be created with AX-RadioLab. You need to enter '1962' in the TX Periodic field on the main screen, and press enter. PSK mode, along with other more advanced options will be available in the PHY screen.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us back.
Regards, Martin ON Semiconductor Technical Support Center
Subject: BPSK on ax5043
Description of customer request:
I am working on software to drive an AX5043 which needs to transmit and receive BPSK. It doesn't look like AX-RadioLAB has BPSK as an option and I can't find any application notes about using BPSK on the ax5043.
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