Hi Cory, a few responses below. 

On Sat, Oct 29, 2022 at 8:51 PM Corey Minyard <minyard@acm.org> wrote:
On Sat, Oct 29, 2022 at 07:09:05PM -0400, Andrew Glasbrenner wrote:
> >It's difficult for me to believe that 9600 baud would work on a satellite without FEC.  But, maybe so.
> UO-22, KO-23, KO-25, TO-31, AO-51, GO-32, MO-36, Falconsat-3, and literally dozens of cubesats have and do utilize 9k6 without FEC.

What kind of ground station is required? 
As much as you can afford ;).  You can copy a bit of data using a ground plane, but not a good solution for actually using digital birds. 

Do you need circular polarized antennas, antennas with serious gain
Gain yes, circular helps but isn’t essential 
, tracking? 
tracking generally, yes, because of gain
Or can this be done
with more normal equipment, like a 3-element yagi like you can use for
FM voice on a satellite?
FS-3 has a 70cm downlink, so lots of gain is still pretty short. It’ll take several elements. Probably a low noise preamp, too. 

I assume the satellites are stabilized somehow?
Yes, often using just a bar magnet in the bird. 
  Fading will kill 9600
Many of us have been doing it via satellites for 30 years, so it works ;-)

I ask because I don't have any direct experience with this sort of
stuff.  Maybe I should try to work Falconsat-3, just for experience.
Or if someone in the Dallas area plans a contact I can tag along.

You might consider getting AMSAT’s Getting Started guide.  It has lots of good stuff in it.  


73, Mark N8MH


Mark L. Hammond [N8MH]