Thanks Burns,


If you are doing a FreeRTOS for the PacSat project the question on version can wait.


I was reading the FreeRTOS docs over the weekend and these questions came up


Thanks as well on the SVN and RT-IHU question.  I have a SVN that runs on Windows but am not familiar with it’s operation and didn’t want to rick fouling anything up.

With your explanation, I’ll move ahead and extract a copy.


Jim McCullers




1) I'll have to check.  I'm not in the right location just now.

2) Variables are either compiled or local on the stack.  Things that you call to OS to create, the OS allocates from the heap, like queues, task headers, etc.  In all those cases they are never returned to the heap.  I allocate them once and then keep them.  So no fragmentation worries.

3) Completely interrupts.  (There may have been something weird that I had to loop a couple times due to the hardware behavior, but I can't remember anything).  I never tried that hard to get the DMA running on the TMS570 (I did use it on the STM32L).


BTW, Bill asked me to take on the job of getting a semi-clean FreeRTOS running on the LaunchPad.  I'll be doing that as soon as I reasonably can.


The current RT-IHU is V1.1.  There are a few problems with it from a Golf perspective, so Zach is working on the next version, but that should not matter for Pacsat for the most part.


I can't help you with KiCad unless your question about SVN is all part of the same thing.  SVN does not keep track of checkouts at the repository.  It only remembers locally which versions you have.  So in other words, it really only cares (and only keeps comments and owners etc) when check something back in.  I think "check out" is really the only thing it has.  If you have a local copy, you can also "update" to get the latest.  This all assumes that you have an SVN application that you are using.  I know that you can get copies of files via a web interface, but I've seldom used that, so I may not have the details right, but you can start that with





Burns Fisher, WB1FJ

AMSAT(R) Engineering -- Flight Software



On Mon, Oct 10, 2022 at 9:51 AM JIm McCullers <[email protected]> wrote:

This is primarily intended for Burns, Rich and possibly Eric


Trying to get a head start on the OS.


  1. What version of FreeRTOS is being used in GOLF?
  2. Compiled objects or heap allocated objects (or variables)?
  3. Interrupts or polling?


In the GOLF-Tee design docs the most recent version of the RT-IHU is version 1.1.

Is that the latest version or is that one of the files Eric mentioned needed updating?


In any case what is the proper way to extract a copy of the Kicad files.

I want to open them for review.

Looking at SVN, I see only a checkout process.  I’m not interested in checking it out and adding to the checked out links as I have no intention of updating the files.  




Jim McCullers


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