An International Space Station school contact has been planned with participants at Fukara Junior High School, Susono, Japan on 01 Oct. The event is scheduled to begin at approximately 10:26 UTC. It is recommended that you start listening approximately 10 minutes before this time.The duration of the contact is approximately 9 minutes and 30 seconds. The contact will be direct between NA1SS and 8N2F The contact should be audible over Japan and adjacent areas. Interested parties are invited to listen in on the 145.80 MHz downlink. The contact is expected to be conducted in English.
School Information:
Students First Names & Questions:
1. 宙ステーションではどのようなしごとをしているんですか?
2. これから人が宇宙に住めると思いますか?
3. 宇宙人に会ったことがありますか?
4. 宇宙は住みやすいですか?
5. 今、宇宙船はどのあたりにいて、何が見えていますか?
6. 宇宙船での生活で、趣味は何ですか?
7. 宇宙食で一番好きなものは何ですか?
8. 地球で見る星より、宇宙ステーションで見る星の方がきれいですか?
9. 宇宙飛行士になったきっかけは何ですか?
10. 宇宙船では1日何時間くらい寝られますか?
11. 宇宙でどうやって寝ているのか?
12. 日本人で初のこうのとりとのドッキングに成功したときの気持ちは?
13. 無重力とはどのようなものですか
14. 宇宙食はおいしいですか?
15. 地球に帰って一番最初にしたいことは何ですか?
16. 宇宙ではガスコンロが使えますか?また、料理はどうやってやりますか?
17. 宇宙で過ごす時間は長く感じますか?
18. 宇宙で酔うことはありますか?
19. 好きな食べ物は何ですか?
20. 地球に帰って一番最初に会いたい人は誰ですか?
21. 学生時代に好きな教科は何でしたか?
22. 宇宙生活で一番大変だと思うことは何ですか?
23. もし、宇宙船に誰(補給船)も来なかったらどのくらい食料が持ちますか?
24. 日本に帰ってきたら食べたいものは何ですか?
25. 中学校時代の部活動は何ですか?
26. 油井さんは健康を保つために宇宙船内で何をしていますか?
School Story:
Fukara Junior High School is located in the eastern part of Susono City in Shizuoka Prefecture. Susono faces magnificent Mt. Fuji to the northwest, and extends to the crater of Mt. Hakone in the east. We have an unbroken view from the foot of Mt. Fuji to Suruga Bay.This school is a smaller school with only 147 students – 2 classes for each grade. The students are friendly and obedient and the school is always full of activity. All of the students belong to a sports team – we have baseball, basketball, volleyball, tennis, and table tennis teams, so all of the students are involved in sports. Integrated activities are the focus of our educational philosophy. For example, we perform a play each year called “The Canal of Life”, in which the students study about local history and perform a play about the work left behind by our forbearers – an irrigation canal that was built in the area. Through this kind of study, the students develop many strong ties to their community as well as pride in their hometown. Also, all the students in the school analyze newspaper articles each morning to build awareness of current events around the world. They form their own thoughts and opinions about each article, and discuss their opinions with friends to further develop their thought process. This is how we are promoting the NIE program (Newspapers in Education). The opportunity to talk with Mr. Yui via wireless transmission is a valuable experience to the students. We believe that this activity will elevate the quality of our students.
School Questions:
1. What kind of work do you do on the space station?
2. Do you think people can live in space in the future?
3. Have you met any aliens?
4. Is space a good place to live?
5. Where is the space station now, and what can you see?
6. What are your hobbies on the space station?
7. What do you like the most on the space station?
8. Are the stars more beautiful from the space station than from Earth?
9. What made you want to become an astronaut?
10. How long can you sleep on the space station every day?
11. How do you sleep in space?
12. How did you feel when you became the first Japanese person to dock on
13. What does weightlessness feel like?
14. Do you like the food in space?
15. What do you want to do first when you come back to earth?
16. Can you use a gas cooking range in space? Also, how do you cook your
food in space?
17. Does time in space feel like a long time?
18. Do you ever feel sick in space?
19. What food do you like?
20. Who do you want to meet first when you come back to earth?
21. What subject did you like when you were a student?
22. What is the most difficult part of your life in space?
23. If nobody can come to the space station, how much food do you have?
24. What do you want to eat when you come back to Japan?
25. What club were you in when you were a junior high school student?
26. What do you do on the space station to stay healthy?
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ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the volunteer support and leadership from AMSAT and IARU societies around the world with the ISS space agencies partners: NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, CNES, JAXA, and CSA.
ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on-board the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning. Further information on the ARISS program is available on the website http://www.ariss.org/
Thank you & 73,
David – AA4KN
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