Hello Thomas and Angel,
Not all SSTV modes are shown at the buttons in the MMSSTV program. The programmer can not make 43 buttons for 43 modes (no space for that at the main MMSSTV window). There is another way to see if the PD160 mode is present in your version. Move with the mouse button to the SSTV mode buttons, than click with the "right mouse button" and you will see a window showing up with all 43 modes: http://iss.ontwikkel.nl/sstvpd160.jpg If you have a new MMSSTV version you will see the PD160 mode between. If not, you have to download (and install) the newest MMSSTV 1.11G version: http://mmhamsoft.amateur-radio.ca/pages/mmsstv.php (it's freeware!). As soon you receive an SSTV image from ISS it will switch automatic to the right mode.
73's Cor PD0RKC